Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Made a blog once.. deleted it... jus' had no time to upkeep it.
But another blogger's suggestion, (you know who you are, and thanx...) started me thinking, that maybe I should restart it... just to let the world see how yup, it's possible, how a real typical Lubav gal is just so happy to be who she is... ;)
Ok, so in short: I am a 20-year old Lubavitch girl, on Shlichus.... living the life I love!
For now, I am more content with leaving my 2 cents worth on some other ppl's blogs, then posting my life story up here... But I'll post excerpts from comments I've left elsewhere... pretty much sums up what woulda been my posts.

I've been Lubavitch all my life. I never was able to appreciate what I had, given the attitude around me... but it's really true what they say- go to seminary and grow up. So I did. And now I'm ready to take the world on.... get ready, here I come! I will actualize my highest potential by using all my talents for a higher purpose- to serve the Almighty... how beautifully, deliciously simple and clear. How come I was never able to see that before? Hashem, only please help me stay on the straight and narrow...


... I myself come from a very strong Lubav background.. but regardless... that's how I was in High School. Everyone else's opinions became my own, I just followed the flow, I was whatever you wanted me to be, I was searching, fighting, looking and angry... I felt stifled, so restricted and limited... what if I didn't want to fit into the mold created for me?

But then, in sem, I finally came to it... I let myself open up, let myself be receptive, let myself feel the warmth and love, and let myself realize just how lucky we really are! For the first time, I became a proud Chabad Chassid. I suddenly saw that what I had always thought was being stuffed down my throat was really the only way I could live. For once, the questions and doubting and fighting in me died away...

Now, Shlichus is my life... it is who I am, who I want to be, and I am ever so confident that the road I am on is taking me to where I want to go, that this way of life is the only way I can live, and I know that if you live a life in which you take all you were given, all your energies and abilities and talents, and you give it all selflessly back to your Creator, who gave it to you in the first place... only then, can you finally find yourself, be at peace with yourself, be happy, calm and settled and sure that you want to be on the path you're on for the next 100 years.


Being a Shliach is heeding your life's calling.... Cuz you only lead a life that is truly fulfilling when you take whatever talents, energies and strengths that G-d gave you and give them back to Him- instead of growing up and becoming another one of the 10000 Jewish lawyers out there- we need more strong Jewish influences in the world... think of what you have to give, not to keep... No! your life's calling is higher than a self-centered 9-to-5 job, beacuse you have the necessary talents to do more.... think of why you're here on this world. Just my opinion.


Sometimes, your goals aren't reached, and you call it the death of a dream.... when in reality you are really simple locking yourself up in a pair of golden handcuffs… You think you know where you’re going; and you tell yourself and the world: I know my goal, I see it, I will get there no matter what…

But then suddenly, things change, and the goal you set for yourself originally isn't for you any more…so then you need to know…to drop it. By sticking stubbornly to your goal/trap that you set for yourself, you are not being determined and clear-headed... you are just being plain stupid. You are blocking out all other options and opportunities, refusing to see how much better you can get, all for the sake of sticking to your dreams… you think it is holding on that makes you strong; but oftentimes, it is more in letting go.


Judaism is so phenomenal and beautiful… I can't explain how much I love being Jewish! I urge you, go and discover that precious, beautiful present that Hashem gave us, go appreciate it... never stop learning the beauty and depth of Torah! Torah is life, Torah is everything.

Learn some Chassidus.... it is mind-boggling. It changes your outlook on everything, if you let it affect you properly. You let yourself get filled with such a love and awe and warmth for Hashem, for the Torah... and you realize that there is so much you can't know and understand, but Hashem still has His Master Plan and knows what He’s doing!

And never take anything in the Torah only at face value... there is so much hidden beneath the surface… learn the secrets of Torah, drink from the pure waters of our life-giving Torah… Learn Tanya daily. It is translated in English phenomenally, in a set of 5 books, called Lessons in Tanya … I can tell you that it seriously keeps me going… it’s absolute beauty…

... so then remember that there are many ways to get to the same place. Listen to your heart and mind. Which way are you pulled? Find the path that’s good for you, and then choose that way with all your strength. Get someone that really knows you to help you onto the path best for you... in other words... yes- a Mashpia.

... but you gotta know that you alone are responsible for your actions... It won’t help you to blame your environment, your parents, your school, your friends… you are responsible for you… who else is better qualified?At a certain point in your growing up stage, you have to look at your parents, thank them for where they’ve gotten you and all the tremendous good they’ve given you…. and then decide for yourself about what you do or don't want to take from them for your own life, and your own kids I’’YH. Gosh, your parents are only about as human as you are…

You will fulfill your highest potential when you are doing what you’ve been put on this world to do- serve Hashem. If your talents are going to be taking you away from the right path, find a different channel for them…
Torah is eternal, it is fixed, it does not move. Everything else should revolve around it… make Torah your life....

It’s unbelievable how much I’ve gained from seminary. For the first time in my life, I am proud to be Jewish, frum and Lubavitch; I just love it so much!! I’ve finally let my guard down and let myself be receptive and now I appreciate so much what I’ve had all along... I can finally see the beauty and depth inherent in Yiddishkeit and especially in Chabad Chassidus.

I am composed and at peace with myself, happy with the decisions I've made in life. I am strong and self-assured, and so confident that the road I’m headed on is taking me to where I want to get. I believe in myself fiercely, I am at peace within myself, I can be myself without caring if anyone thinks I’m a Chassidish nerd, and I am finally secure and at ease with everything that I always thought was being forced down my throat…

Cuz you see, all through my advanced years of high school, I had been plagued with an identity crisis. I used to wonder- who am I anyway? If I would have just been plopped down into this world identity-less, would I have chosen to be me, where I am now? Am I being this way, Lubavitch, Jewish etc, only cuz it’s been forced on me my whole life and I know no other way? And what if I don't want to fit into the mold that’s been created for all of us, what if I want to be different- why do I have to do whatever everyone’s always done? I would feel like I just wanted to use and channel all my talents and energies, but had no outlet... and it bothered me like nuts. I needed to find out for myself who I was, who I wanted to be and where I wanted life to take me…

But now, Boruch Hashem, for the first time ever- I found it. I had it all along. I finally know who I am. I don't feel that restlessness anymore. I am C** **** ( sorry for the secrecy) , it’s as simple as that! That is me, that is who I am! I am Lubavitch, I am Chassidish, I am a Shliach and I am ever so proud of it, and I will IMY’’H give back to Hashem what He’s given me and actualize my highest potential by using my talents to serve Him… Till then, I was afraid to use what I had. But now, I’ve found out that I can influence and affect others in tremendous ways... I’ve found out that I am worth something .... as soon as you start using all your talents for G-d, making your life for Him, then all questions die away.

Every Jew's mission in life is to spread more of G-d's light, each in their own way, depending on thier talents, personalities and characters... only then, can you fulfil the reason of your creation, and live a satisfying, complete life. It's as simple as that.


Sorry if some of the posts are repetitious. But anyhow....

Zu Rak Da'ati... dos is nor vos ich tracht.... appena il mio parere... apenas mi opinión.... juste mon avis....
Just my opinion. Lemme know what you think.

PS- If you've figured out who I am, please don't post my name in the comments... thanx.